AlphaNeuron | A neuron based on the area W neurons described in the Hopfield-Brody Mus Silicium papers |
BasicNeuron | BasicNeuron implements a simple integrate-and-fire neuron model based on the model presented in chapter 1 of Pulsed Neural Networks, but with the membrane time constant set to 0 |
Cherrymoya | |
CompareSynapse | CompareSynapse is a functor used to provide a '<' operation for synapses (for sorting). The operation is performed on the value returned by Synapse::GetPostNeuron() |
Euler | |
FastNeuron | FastNeuron implements a neuron model with a PSP that has no rise time and an exponential decay |
FileUtils | |
FunctionLookup | FunctionLookup is a container class for the lookup tables used by the Neuron classes |
GAManager | |
Genome | |
GenomeHandler | |
InputTrain | |
Instance | |
Layer | Layer groups a number of Neurons for convenience. Layer is not needed to operate the network |
MpNetwork | |
MpSpikeInput | |
NetIOData | |
NetLoader | |
Network | This class manages the NN as it runs |
Network::SpikeRequest | |
Neuron | Virtual base class for all Neurons |
Neuron::InputHist | |
Neuron::SynapseHist | |
NeuronFactory< neuron > | |
Node | |
PhysicalProperties | Container for physical properties of a Neuron such as it's location in a 3-D space |
Povray | Generate a Povray (*.pov) file to visualize a NN |
SimpleSpikeInput | |
SimpleSpikeOutput | |
SMPSynapse | Synapse for synapses between Instances on the same Node |
SpikeInput | |
SpikeOutput | |
StatisticsOutput | |
Synapse | Container for synaptic properties (weight, axonal transmition delay, and pointer to the postsynaptic neuron) |
Topology |