Amygdala spiking neural network Amygdala is an AI Foundry member project
Understanding Amygdala
What are SNNs?
What is Amygdala?
Frequently-asked questions
Supporting research
Advanced features
Distributed operation
Network evolution (GA)
GUI network editor
Using Amygdala
Platforms supported
Download & install
Sample networks
Bugs & feedback
The future of Amygdala
Roadmap for development
Getting involved
Development site


Advanced features : Network evolution (genetic algorithms)
It's difficult to design meaningful SNN top down. If you want to use the power of SNN the network got to be highly recurrent and is therefore extremely unpredictable.

To overcome these limitations, a genetic algorithm can be employed. The idea is that the shape (the topology) of the net translates into fitness for a particular task.

The GA built into Amygdala is divided into a client and a server part to allow for distributed operation. The server manages the genome population while the client evaluates them. The protocol used to download new genomes and submit scores is HTTP. It is even possible to use vast populations by running the GA on the Internet.

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Amygdala : spiking neural network Site last updated: Feb 28, 2003
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