Version 0.2 Apr 17, 2002
- Basic SMP support in place
- GA interface started
- FastNeuron class added
- Basic Hebbian learning algorithm in place
Version 0.3 Target: Jun 23, 2002
- Mus Silicium sample application released.
- Support for spike transmission delays added.
- NetLoader template replaces NetworkLoader. NetLoader will allow multiple neuron models to be saved into a single Amygdala NN file.
- A new synapse model will allow for more efficient spike processing.
- Support added for g++ 3.0
Version 0.4 Target: TBD
- Layering model enhanced.
- FunctionLookup class redesigned to make it easier to implement new neuron models.
- First GUI prototype released for review. This will be a non-functional prototype concentrating on UI design.
- Neuron models introduced using the Srinivasan/Lytton method of calculating neuron state variables.
- Practical demo applications.
Version 0.5 Target: TBD
- Core Amygdala library API stablized.
- Begin optimizing code.
- Coding begins for GUI.
Version 0.6 Target: TBD
- Version 0.1 of the Amygdala GUI is released.
Version 1.0 Target: TBD
- V. 1.0 of the Amygdala library released.
- V. 0.5 of the Amygdala GUI is released.