Understanding Amygdala :
- Spikeloop (MPEG - 1.4MB):
The "Hello World"
application of recurrent spiking neural networks. The network's topology
comprises a number of layers, each one fully connected to the next. The
last layer (red) is connected to the first again to close the loop.
The loop is triggered by a one time spiking of the input neurons (blue).
This forms a spike front that rotates indefinitelly.
- Liquid State machine (MPEG - 2.7MB) consisting
of 680 neurons and 6360 synapses. This piece of magic cirquitry recently
got devised by Maass, Nattschläger and Markram
in this paper
There is also a still picture including all synaptic connections
(1280x1024) and a more traditional
diagram. Neuron ID 1-40 are input neurons (blue)
and are externally triggered in a random time series.
- Network debugger and visualizer (396KB): A precompiled demo running
the spikeloop and mouse samples in the openGL-based network visualizer.