Amygdala spiking neural network Amygdala is an AI Foundry member project
Understanding Amygdala
What are SNNs?
What is Amygdala?
Frequently-asked questions
Supporting research
Advanced features
Distributed operation
Network evolution (GA)
GUI network editor
Using Amygdala
Platforms supported
Download & install
Sample networks
Bugs & feedback
The future of Amygdala
Roadmap for development
Getting involved
Development site


Using Amygdala : Sample networks
Several sample Amygdala networks are included with the latest release, with more on the way. Here are brief descriptions of the sample networks currently available.

Demonstrates how to use the API to build a simple four-layer spiking neural network (SNN).

cla ("command-line Amygdala")
Uses input files and configurable data type definition (DTD) files to run Amygdala simulations from the command line.

Demonstrates a recurrent synfire chain, with configurable chain parameters and some graphics for visualization.

The same spikeloop example with multi-thread / multi-processor capabilities enabled.

Additional examples will be listed as they are developed. If you develop an interesting Amygdala network, please contact the Amygdala team so it can be considered for inclusion as an example.

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Amygdala : spiking neural network Site last updated: Feb 28, 2003
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